Invoke Contract's Method¶
Inovkea contract's method is just like call a Move function in a package and module. the function must be a public entry
here we got a exmaple Move contract, it is sui/sui_programmability/examples/objects_tutorial
. and we build and deploy it to
here we got three modules:
- color_object
- simple_warrior
- trusted_swap
and we will intract with the "color_object"
it has
public entry fun create(red: u8, green: u8, blue: u8, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
let color_object = new(red, green, blue, ctx);
transfer::transfer(color_object, tx_context::sender(ctx))
a craete
entry function can be inovke by RPC, and it will crate a Object with "red/gree/blue" attribute.
Invoke with Sui's CLI¶
first we use "sui client" to call this Move function.
sui client call --package 0x391be525adf65dc7b9317f800c583dcee8a973438ddb4859677e3514b696cb3b --module color_object --function create --args 1 2 3 --gas-budget 10000000
[warn] Client/Server api version mismatch, client api version : 1.5.0, server api version : 1.6.1
----- Transaction Digest ----
----- Transaction Data ----
Transaction Signature: [Signature(Ed25519SuiSignature(Ed25519SuiSignature([0, 80, 138, 173, 224, 130, 230, 222, 117, 227, 39, 116, 149, 100, 50, 225, 195, 72, 49, 36, 65, 104, 7, 222, 65, 146, 154, 18, 243, 126, 166, 127, 139, 203, 215, 28, 115, 55, 98, 214, 232, 120, 125, 251, 181, 198, 190, 213, 35, 22, 161, 92, 225, 3, 9, 44, 201, 222, 156, 43, 86, 65, 88, 67, 15, 169, 199, 105, 117, 112, 178, 123, 183, 21, 64, 74, 48, 213, 44, 198, 5, 91, 53, 13, 220, 193, 62, 56, 226, 106, 173, 54, 130, 46, 221, 25, 126])))]
Transaction Kind : Programmable
Inputs: [Pure(SuiPureValue { value_type: Some(U8), value: 1 }), Pure(SuiPureValue { value_type: Some(U8), value: 2 }), Pure(SuiPureValue { value_type: Some(U8), value: 3 })]
Commands: [
Sender: 0x65635b3ed941f633cdc51e79f7a730541544344c4dc44b09f5ac33964ff86d78
Gas Payment: Object ID: 0xb7c75543bb69b9f74448783ebfd37eba696d5361ad868df71326d87ef7356a1c, version: 0x1c3, digest: 4RaMiijvPVC54echmDgCpKYHNhARSoPJZDMrA2bXx748
Gas Owner: 0x65635b3ed941f633cdc51e79f7a730541544344c4dc44b09f5ac33964ff86d78
Gas Price: 1000
Gas Budget: 10000000
----- Transaction Effects ----
Status : Success
Created Objects:
- ID: 0xd63d78895366e2a3e14723d3c481e2f91d9065d9bbef1ead850c0bad7bb95158 , Owner: Account Address ( 0x65635b3ed941f633cdc51e79f7a730541544344c4dc44b09f5ac33964ff86d78 )
Mutated Objects:
- ID: 0xb7c75543bb69b9f74448783ebfd37eba696d5361ad868df71326d87ef7356a1c , Owner: Account Address ( 0x65635b3ed941f633cdc51e79f7a730541544344c4dc44b09f5ac33964ff86d78 )
----- Events ----
Array []
----- Object changes ----
Array [
Object {
"type": String("mutated"),
"sender": String("0x65635b3ed941f633cdc51e79f7a730541544344c4dc44b09f5ac33964ff86d78"),
"owner": Object {
"AddressOwner": String("0x65635b3ed941f633cdc51e79f7a730541544344c4dc44b09f5ac33964ff86d78"),
"objectType": String("0x2::coin::Coin<0x2::sui::SUI>"),
"objectId": String("0xb7c75543bb69b9f74448783ebfd37eba696d5361ad868df71326d87ef7356a1c"),
"version": String("452"),
"previousVersion": String("451"),
"digest": String("f2Sapod1sT9ipjUqYBy6fLBqboi2sR9iuu9ArqxLGCt"),
Object {
"type": String("created"),
"sender": String("0x65635b3ed941f633cdc51e79f7a730541544344c4dc44b09f5ac33964ff86d78"),
"owner": Object {
"AddressOwner": String("0x65635b3ed941f633cdc51e79f7a730541544344c4dc44b09f5ac33964ff86d78"),
"objectType": String("0x391be525adf65dc7b9317f800c583dcee8a973438ddb4859677e3514b696cb3b::color_object::ColorObject"),
"objectId": String("0xd63d78895366e2a3e14723d3c481e2f91d9065d9bbef1ead850c0bad7bb95158"),
"version": String("452"),
"digest": String("B2MK1J7FbzZg6LBQwwpBVbF8Yry96kkkF5bbTus9uURM"),
----- Balance changes ----
Array [
Object {
"owner": Object {
"AddressOwner": String("0x65635b3ed941f633cdc51e79f7a730541544344c4dc44b09f5ac33964ff86d78"),
"coinType": String("0x2::sui::SUI"),
"amount": String("-2400680"),
we use sui client call
command with --package
address of package --module
our "colour_object" module and --function
the "create" function with --args
three int value for "red/gree/blue". suffix with gas budget --ags-budget
the command's log show create for us . an object(0xd63d78895366e2a3e14723d3c481e2f91d9065d9bbef1ead850c0bad7bb95158) we can see the attribute in explorer
also we can use command to query:
sui client object 0xd63d78895366e2a3e14723d3c481e2f91d9065d9bbef1ead850c0bad7bb95158
[warn] Client/Server api version mismatch, client api version : 1.5.0, server api version : 1.6.1
----- 0x391be525adf65dc7b9317f800c583dcee8a973438ddb4859677e3514b696cb3b::color_object::ColorObject (0xd63d78895366e2a3e14723d3c481e2f91d9065d9bbef1ead850c0bad7bb95158[0x1c4]) -----
Owner: Account Address ( 0x65635b3ed941f633cdc51e79f7a730541544344c4dc44b09f5ac33964ff86d78 )
Version: 0x1c4
Storage Rebate: 1390800
Previous Transaction: TransactionDigest(9pK5ARtcADhYCc5L5ja8P8DuFECgnH6pS1qM6ybRkthy)
----- Data -----
type: 0x391be525adf65dc7b9317f800c583dcee8a973438ddb4859677e3514b696cb3b::color_object::ColorObject
blue: 3
green: 2
id: 0xd63d78895366e2a3e14723d3c481e2f91d9065d9bbef1ead850c0bad7bb95158
red: 1
Because of the SUIJSON and Sui Object Display Standard we can parse all the three attribute in this object.
Invoke With sui.js¶
we can also do this with TypeScript/JavaScript SDK, here we create a TypeScript project.
in your project, add a dependency on Sui.js via npm:
create a provider¶
a provider is a Connection
to Sui RPC node.
// Sui Node endpoint:
const connection = new Connection({
fullnode: ''
const suiProvider = new JsonRpcProvider(connection);
keypair is your wallet, in your local wallet, we got a file : ~/.sui/sui_config/sui.keystore
the content is a "base64" string which contain private key. so we create a keypair with
const buf = Buffer.from("AOA...mmS", "base64");
const keyPair = Ed25519Keypair.fromSecretKey(buf.slice(1));
create TransactionBlock¶
every Move call is a RPC transaction requets. so we create a TransactionBlock. and TransactionBlock has a moveCall
method to build MoveCall Transaction.
let txb = new TransactionBlock();
target: `0x391be525adf65dc7b9317f800c583dcee8a973438ddb4859677e3514b696cb3b::color_object::create`,
arguments: [txb.pure(2), txb.pure(4), txb.pure(8)],
moveCall's define is :
TransactionBlock.moveCall(input: Omit<{
arguments: ({
kind: "Input";
index: number;
type?: "object" | "pure" | undefined;
value?: any;
} | {
kind: "GasCoin";
} | {
kind: "Result";
index: number;
} | {
kind: "NestedResult";
index: number;
resultIndex: number;
kind: "MoveCall";
typeArguments: string[];
target: `${string}::${string}::${string}`;
}, "arguments" | ... 1 more ... | "typeArguments"> & {
}): TransactionResult
we can pass "package::module::function" to "targe", and a argument list to "argumetns"
sign and send¶
here it is . we need sign the TransactionBlock and send it with a RPC request:
const signer = new RawSigner(keyPair, suiProvider);
const result = await signer.signAndExecuteTransactionBlock({
transactionBlock: txb,
a "RawSigner" is a keypair with a provider. and the wrapped signAndExecuteTransactionBlock
will use this keypair to sign transaction and send the transaction with this provider.
all in one is¶
import {
} from "@mysten/sui.js";
// Sui Node endpoint:
const connection = new Connection({
fullnode: ''
const suiProvider = new JsonRpcProvider(connection);
const run = async() => {
const buf = Buffer.from("AOA...mmS", "base64");
const keyPair = Ed25519Keypair.fromSecretKey(buf.slice(1));
let txb = new TransactionBlock();
target: `0x391be525adf65dc7b9317f800c583dcee8a973438ddb4859677e3514b696cb3b::color_object::create`,
arguments: [txb.pure(2), txb.pure(4), txb.pure(8)],
const signer = new RawSigner(keyPair, suiProvider);
const result = await signer.signAndExecuteTransactionBlock({
transactionBlock: txb,
console.log({ result });
run it and we got :
npm run start
> jsclient@1.0.0 start
> npx tsc && node build/client.js
result: {
digest: '88iRDyq2qKQyCG2V33dKZuBm854ANUL18f4fPQreCMB5',
confirmedLocalExecution: false
in the explorer 88iRDyq2qKQyCG2V33dKZuBm854ANUL18f4fPQreCMB5