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Introduction to RPC

What are RPCs?

In distributed computing, a remote procedure call (RPC) is when a computer program causes a procedure (subroutine) to execute in a different address space (commonly on another computer on a shared network)

-- wikipedia

Those who write code should know what RPC is, but what is the relationship between RPC and blockchain?

Quoting an architecture diagram of Polkadot:

RPC is used as a layer interface call for the blockchain system to interact with the outside world. directly used by ordinary users.

But why can't ordinary users perceive the existence of RPC? Ordinary users only know the wallet, pull it up, confirm = "the coin is gone.

This is because our group of programmers helped to connect the intermediate processes in series through code. So RPC is again a bridge between the user interface and the blockchain.

The RPC provided by Sui is divided into the HTTP interface for active requests and the Websocket interface for message push. Only a single query generally uses the HTTP interface, Such as sending transactions, querying user balances. The monitoring of data on the chain is through the Websocket interface, such as monitoring the log of contract execution.


The HTTP interface provides external services through JSON RPC format, JSON RPC is a The RPC mode uses JSON as the serialization tool and HTTP as the transport protocol. It has multiple versions, and the current version is v2.

The request format is:

         "jsonrpc": "2.0",
         "id": 1,
         "method": "sui_getCheckpoint",
         "params": [

The outermost layer here is a dictionary, in which each Key is fixed, and method represents the function method name of RPC. params represents the parameters of the function.

The corresponding request result is:

         "jsonrpc": "2.0",
         "result": {

         "id": 1

Similarly, several fields here are also fixed, and result indicates the result of the request. The id corresponds to the id in the request, which indicates the result of the request.


Return the first four bytes of the chain's genesis checkpoint digest.

use curl in your console:

curl      -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "sui_getChainIdentifier",
  "params": []

here we got "4c78adac"


Return a checkpoint


  • id : - Checkpoint identifier, can use either checkpoint digest, or checkpoint sequence number as input.


  • Checkpoint :
  • checkpointCommitments : <[CheckpointCommitment]> - Commitments to checkpoint state
  • digest : <[CheckpointDigest]> - Checkpoint digest
  • endOfEpochData : <[EndOfEpochData]> - Present only on the final checkpoint of the epoch.
  • epoch : <[BigInt_for_uint64]> - Checkpoint's epoch ID
  • epochRollingGasCostSummary : <[GasCostSummary]> - The running total gas costs of all transactions included in the current epoch so far until this checkpoint.
  • networkTotalTransactions : <[BigInt_for_uint64]> - Total number of transactions committed since genesis, including those in this checkpoint.
  • previousDigest : <[CheckpointDigest]> - Digest of the previous checkpoint
  • sequenceNumber : <[BigInt_for_uint64]> - Checkpoint sequence number
  • timestampMs : <[BigInt_for_uint64]> - Timestamp of the checkpoint - number of milliseconds from the Unix epoch Checkpoint timestamps are monotonic, but not strongly monotonic - subsequent checkpoints can have same timestamp if they originate from the same underlining consensus commit *transactions : <[TransactionDigest]> - Transaction digests
  • validatorSignature : <[Base64]> - Validator Signature
 curl      -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "sui_getCheckpoint",
  "params": [


Return transaction events.


  • transaction_digest : - the event query criteria.


  • Vec : <[Event]>
curl      -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "sui_getEvents",
  "params": [

it means no event in this transaction.


Return the sequence number of the latest checkpoint that has been executed


  • BigInt :
curl      -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "sui_getLatestCheckpointSequenceNumber",
  "params": []

here sequence will be use in transaction.


Return the object information for a specified object


  • object_id : - the ID of the queried object
  • options : - options for specifying the content to be returned


  • SuiObjectResponse :
  • data : <[ObjectData]>
  • error : <[ObjectResponseError]>
curl      -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "sui_getObject",
  "params": [
      "showType": true,
      "showOwner": true,
      "showPreviousTransaction": true,
      "showDisplay": false,
      "showContent": true,
      "showBcs": false,
      "showStorageRebate": true


here it is a SUI Coin Object,and balance is 995950600 MIST.


Return the transaction response object.


  • digest : - the digest of the queried transaction
  • options : - options for specifying the content to be returned


  • SuiTransactionBlockResponse :
curl      -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "sui_getTransactionBlock",
  "params": [
      "showInput": true,
      "showRawInput": false,
      "showEffects": true,
      "showEvents": true,
      "showObjectChanges": false,
      "showBalanceChanges": false



Return the total coin balance for all coin type, owned by the address owner.


  • owner : - the owner's Sui address


  • Vec : <[Balance]>
 curl      -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "suix_getAllBalances",
  "params": [

here account"0x65635b3ed941f633cdc51e79f7a730541544344c4dc44b09f5ac33964ff86d78" only has SUI, and balance is 1.97SUI.


Return all Coin objects owned by an address.


  • owner : - the owner's Sui address
  • cursor : - optional paging cursor
  • limit : - maximum number of items per page


  • CoinPage :

curl      -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "method": "suix_getAllCoins",
  "params": [
here no "cursor","limit" will got all coins. in the result all coins' object returned.


Return the total coin balance for one coin type, owned by the address owner.


  • owner : - the owner's Sui address
  • coin_type : - optional type names for the coin (e.g., 0x168da5bf1f48dafc111b0a488fa454aca95e0b5e::usdc::USDC), default to 0x2::sui::SUI if not specified.


  • Balance :
  • coinObjectCount :
  • coinType :
  • lockedBalance :
  • totalBalance :
  • curl      -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "id": 1,
      "method": "suix_getBalance",
      "params": [
    here we got two 0x2::sui::SUI Object.


    Return metadata(e.g., symbol, decimals) for a coin


    • coin_type : - type name for the coin (e.g., 0x168da5bf1f48dafc111b0a488fa454aca95e0b5e::usdc::USDC)


    • SuiCoinMetadata :
    • decimals : - Number of decimal places the coin uses.
    • description : - Description of the token
    • iconUrl : - URL for the token logo
    • id : <[ObjectID]> - Object id for the CoinMetadata object
    • name : - Name for the token
    • symbol : - Symbol for the token
    curl      -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "id": 1,
      "method": "suix_getCoinMetadata",
      "params": [

    here we got name/symbol/iconUrl etc... of SUI


    Return all Coin<coin_type> objects owned by an address.


    • owner : - the owner's Sui address
    • coin_type : - optional type name for the coin (e.g., 0x168da5bf1f48dafc111b0a488fa454aca95e0b5e::usdc::USDC), default to 0x2::sui::SUI if not specified.
    • cursor : - optional paging cursor
    • limit : - maximum number of items per page


    • CoinPage : Example Gets all SUI coins owned by the address provided. Return a paginated list of limit results per page. Similar to suix_getAllCoins, but provides a way to filter by coin type.
    url      -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "id": 1,
      "method": "suix_getCoins",
      "params": [

    here we got "hasNextPage":false, if true, we could add params: "limit" and "cursor", "cursor" is "nextCursor"


    Return the dynamic field object information for a specified object


    • parent_object_id : - The ID of the queried parent object
    • name : - The Name of the dynamic field


    • SuiObjectResponse :
    • data : <[ObjectData]>
    • error : <[ObjectResponseError]>


    Return the list of dynamic field objects owned by an object. Gets dynamic fields for the object the request provides in a paginated list of limit dynamic field results per page. The default limit is 50.


    • parent_object_id : - The ID of the parent object
    • cursor : - An optional paging cursor. If provided, the query will start from the next item after the specified cursor. Default to start from the first item if not specified.
    • limit : - Maximum item returned per page, default to [QUERY_MAX_RESULT_LIMIT] if not specified.


    • DynamicFieldPage :


    Return the list of objects owned by an address. Note that if the address owns more than QUERY_MAX_RESULT_LIMIT objects, the pagination is not accurate, because previous page may have been updated when the next page is fetched.


    • address : - the owner's Sui address
    • query : - the objects query criteria.
    • cursor : - An optional paging cursor. If provided, the query will start from the next item after the specified cursor. Default to start from the first item if not specified.
    • limit : - Max number of items returned per page, default to [QUERY_MAX_RESULT_LIMIT] if not specified.


    • ObjectsPage :
    curl      -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "id": 1,
      "method": "suix_getOwnedObjects",
      "params": [
          "filter": {
            "MatchAll": [
                "StructType": "0x2::coin::Coin<0x2::sui::SUI>"
          "options": {
            "showType": true,
            "showOwner": true,
            "showPreviousTransaction": true,
            "showDisplay": false,
            "showContent": false,
            "showBcs": false,
            "showStorageRebate": false

    Returns all the objects the address provided in the request owns and that match the filter. By default, only the digest value is returned, but the request returns additional information by setting the relevant keys to true. A cursor value can alose be also provided, so the list of results begin after that value.


    Return the reference gas price for the network


    • BigInt :
    curl      -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "id": 1,
      "method": "suix_getReferenceGasPrice",
      "params": []

    it is 1000MIST on testnet.


    Return list of events for a specified query criteria.


    • query : - The event query criteria. See Event filter documentation for examples.
    • cursor : - optional paging cursor
    • limit : - maximum number of items per page, default to [QUERY_MAX_RESULT_LIMIT] if not specified.
    • descending_order : - query result ordering, default to false (ascending order), oldest record first.


    • EventPage :


    Return list of transactions for a specified query criteria.


    • query : - the transaction query criteria.
    • cursor : - An optional paging cursor. If provided, the query will start from the next item after the specified cursor. Default to start from the first item if not specified.
    • limit : - Maximum item returned per page, default to QUERY_MAX_RESULT_LIMIT if not specified.
    • descending_order : - query result ordering, default to false (ascending order), oldest record first.


    • TransactionBlocksPage :
     curl      -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "id": 1,
      "method": "suix_queryTransactionBlocks",
      "params": [
          "filter": {
            "InputObject": "0xb7c75543bb69b9f74448783ebfd37eba696d5361ad868df71326d87ef7356a1c"
          "options": null

    this show gas opration on "0xb7c75543bb69b9f74448783ebfd37eba696d5361ad868df71326d87ef7356a1c" a SUI Coin Object.

    Websocket API

    Websocket is a feature added to HTTP to supplement long links. In general, it can be considered as a TCP long link. Sui passed This long connection is used to push messages to the client.

    It's just that the content of the message here is also in JSONRPC format, such as:

             "jsonrpc": "2.0",
             "id": 1,
             "method": "suix_subscribeEvent",
             "params": [
                 "filter": {"Package": "<PACKAGE-ID>"}

    Such messages subscribe to event messages.

    When there is a change, the result is also packaged into a JSONRPC format and pushed to the client


    Subscribe to a stream of Sui event


    • filter : - The filter criteria of the event stream. See Event filter documentation for examples.


    • SuiEvent :


    Subscribe to a stream of Sui transaction effects


    • filter : -


    • SuiTransactionBlockEffects :